Friday, 24 June 2011

Hyvaa Juhannusta - Midsummer/solstice

Alkaa tama bloggaus olla sillai vaan "jouluna ja juhannuksena" hih, niin paljon on kerinnyt tapahtua ettei ole kerinnyt/jaksanut kirjoitella. Lapsia on muuttanut kotoa/takaisin kotiin ja keskikoulun paattokokeita on kanssa pakerrettu kovasti. Suomessa olen lennahtanyt kahdesti vapun ja juhannuksen valissa seka duunissa olis ihan tarpeeks vaikka kahdelle.

Keskimmainen siis paluumuutti Suomeen ja on nyt asettunut opettelemaan kielta, myos opettelussa ovat seuraavat:
Lapsi 19v: "siis hei mulla ei ole yhtaan ruokaa jaakaapissa"
Aiti: " siis oletko kaynyt kaupassa"
Lapsi: " no en viela, taa on ihan tosi raskasta taa kaikesta ite huolehtiminen"
Aiti (mutisee itsekseen): "taitaa sita aidin touhut saada jonain paivana arvostusta" (aaneen): no, nyt sitten uskot etta ei ne kotonakaan ruokakeijut tayttaneet sita jaakaappia, kylla sita ruokaa saa sinne ihan urakalla raahata"

Kotiinpalannut esikoinen (23) taasen osaltaan:
" Hammastahna on loppu"
Aiti: "ole hyva ja osta kaupasta!
Esikoinen: (syva hiljaisuus, paheksunnan voisi melkein kasin koskettaa)

Kuopus (16): "Yesss, ei enaa ikina koulua"
Aiti: "mites toi lukio syyskuussa?"
Kuopus: "joo joo, mutta sinne on aikaa!"

Edit 6 August 2011 for the benefit of those who like to understand what they read :-)

This blogging has reduced to something like "at Christmas and Midsummer -times" lol so much has happened that I have neither had time nor strength to write. Children have been moving out of home/back home and the GCSEs have caused one to work hard. I have popped in Finland twice within a few weeks and at work I could easily be doubled, busy times.

So, middlest one returned back to Finland (reverse immigrated?) and has now settled there and is learning the language. Also he is practising the following skills:
Child 19 yrs:"Well, I have not a morsel of food in my fridge!"
Mother: "So, have you been to the shop?"
Child: "Not yet, this is too hard this looking after myself!"
Mother (under her breath): it just might be that mum will be appreciated one day", (out loud): "well now you believe that the fridge was not filled by the food fairies at home either, it was hard work to keep it stocked up"

First born 23 yrs: " We've run out of toothpaste."
Mother: "buy some from the shop please"
First born: (deep silence, disapproval so tangible)

Youngest 16 yrs: "yesssss, school's out forever....!"
Mother: "What about A-levels in September?"
Youngest: "yes yes yes, that is ages away!"
