Minulla on roppakaupalla suunnitelmia taman vuoden varalle - nyt olen jo kayttanyt kuukauden enka tieda riittaako aika kaiken tekemiseen. Edessa on ainakin:
- tyon uudelleenarviointi, mika tarkoittaa sita etta JOTAIN on tapahduttava tana vuonna, uusi tyo, uudet tehtavat vanhassa tyopaikassa, jotakin......
- taloudellinen tilanne PITAA parantua, 8 vuotta kuralla on ihan tarpeeksi kenelle vaan
- kuntoa TULEE kohottaa, viela ei voi jaada kiikkustuoliin ihmettelemaan
Kaikki on viela mahdollista, vuosi on vasta alussa!
I am aiming to update my blog at least once a month this year - whether anyone reads the postings I do not know - at least I will have a "log" of what's been happening to me when this year ends. This is the year for THAT birthday and I have been pondering whether or not I should do something. On the other hand it would be nice to celebrate the big five-o but then also it might be a good thing to forget all about it. Erm.... thinking cap is in use!
I have a bucketful of plans for this year - now already a month has passed, might not have enough time to do everything. The main plans/tasks/aims for this year are at least:
- rethinking of work, which means that SOMETHING has to change, either I get a new job in a new workplace OR new job role in the old workplace, but seriously just something has to change.....
- financial situation HAS TO improve finally, 8 years in red and poverty is enough for anyone
- fitness HAS TO be improved, it is not yet time to stay put and start knitting
It is all possible, the year is still fresh and crisp and new!!