Sunday, 25 March 2012

Tunnin menetys, kevaan merkki - Loss of an hour, sign of Spring?

Olen aina sanonut etta minulla ei ole varaa menettaa tuntia jo ennestaan lyhesta paivasta. Nyt se vaan taas tapahtui ja jos normaaliseuraukset ovat ennallaan niin koko viikko tulee olemaan "jetlagia". Herttinen jos joskus vaikka matkustaisin rapakon tuolle puolen, saattaisi menna viikkoja ennenkuin olo tokenisi. No mutta kuitenkin, maaliskuu alkaa olla lopullaan ja talven selka taitettu. Paasiainen kolkuttaa ovella ja tana vuonna vihdoin sain aikaiseksi laittaa rairuohoa kasvamaan. Saas nakee josko kay orastamaan.


I have always said that I cannot afford to lose an hour from my already too short a day. Now it has happened again and if the old signs are to trusted, it will be a week before I have recovered from this "jet lag". Deary me if I ever ventured across the pond, could be weeks before I was feeling normal again. Well, anyway, March is almost gone and the winter is well and truly in the past. Easter is around the corner and finally, after many years, I have managed to sow some Easter grass to grow. It remains to be seen whether anything comes out of it though.