Monday, 8 February 2010

Sad news, sad month?

I just got sad news about a good colleague and friend. She was diagnosed in October with cancer and today she died.

It is 8 days to the first anniversary of my children's father's death and in 11 days it is 10 years since my mother died. I must say that February is starting to feel like a bleak month with all these deaths.

So, maybe, it is a good month for a new blog to be born.

I need to explore things that matter to me, hopefully find likeminded people to talk to or even people who want to disagree but also debate and maybe end up agreeing to disagree.

One of life's big mysteries is death and, for someone who has always had trouble dealing with finalising things or accepting that there is nothing else to be done in some situations, death is the ultimate challenge to handle.


  1. Aika äkkiä meni ystävä. En tiedä, olisiko parempi, jos aikaa olisi enemmän, eihän sitä pääse valitsemaan. Ja monta surullista muistoa sinulle on kertynyt helmikuulle, joten uuden harrastuksen aloittaminen onkin ihan paikallaan"
