On aina tosi ihanaa kun on perjantai-ilta ja koko viikonloppu viela edessa, taysi vastakohta sunnuntai-illan ahdistukselle. Tana viikonloppuna tosin on ahdistuksen aiheita yllin kyllin horisontissa kun on vain ja ainoastaan nama pari paivaa aikaa touhuta koko joulun kirjo. Joskus toivon etta olisin samanlainen kuin muutamat tuntemani henkilot jotka toteavat lokakuun puolivalissa etta "No niin, joulu on pulkassa!" Siis IHAN TOTTA, ei kai noin organisoitunut voi ihan ollakaan. Toisaalta, tana vuonna olen huomannut etta se normaali jouluahdistus ei ole purrut - viela ainakaan. On sellainen olo etta jos kuusen, kinkun ja muut ruoat saa aikaiseksi ja paketin jokaiselle niin siinahan se on. Joulu ilman suorituspaineita ja stressia, olisko se sittenkin mahdollista?
It is so lovely, it is Friday night and the whole weekend ahead. Just such opposite feeling to the angst-ridden Sunday night. Although, this weekend there are lots of reasons for angst and anxiety looming in the horizon as these are the only days I have to "make the Christmas happen". Sometimes I wish that I were more like some people I know who just calmly state in the middle of October: "Right, I am ready for Christmas, done it all now!" I mean, REALLY, no one can be that organised. On the other hand, this year is somehow different as the standard Christmas angst has not hit me, at least yet. I just feel that if I manage to get the tree, gammon with other special food and a present each then that is it. Would it be possible after all to have Christmas without performance pressures and stress?
I am trying to reduce Christmas stress, as I have plenty of assignment stress!
ReplyDeleteI think it is possible, but it is somewhat guilt-inducing for me, as if somehow I am not quite entering into the spirit of Christmas angst!
Happy Christmas :-)