Rauhallista Joulunaikaa ja Onnellista Uutta Vuotta kaikille ja kaikkialle!!
Peaceful Christmas time and Happy New Year to all and everyone everywhere!
Saturday, 31 December 2011
Saturday, 8 October 2011
Sanameemi - Word meme
Sain Elegialta pyytamani viisi sanaa, ja koska olen toivottoman hidas blogipaivittaja ajattelin kasitella yhden kerrallaan, ja epajarjestyksessa
Tassa ovat sanani ja taman paivan sana on Unelma
1. Koti
2. Kulttuuri
3. Matka
4. Onni
5. Unelma
Olin nuorena erittain kiltti tytto, parjasin hyvin koulussa enka koskaan kapinoinut ketaan tahi mitaan vastaan. Minulla ei ollut uhmaikaa eika murrosikaisena ovet paukkuneet tai kirosanat raikuneet. Tama saattaisi kuulostaa omahyvaiselta jos ei saisi tietaa asioiden oikeaa laitaa, minulla ei naet ollut tilaa olla hankala, se oli varattu aitikullalle. Jos jollakulla on ikina ollut asia huonosti niin varmasti hanella. Eli, kayttaydy kunnolla ettei hermo romahda silla henkilolla johon sinun pitais kyeta turvautumaan. Olen vielakin vihainen - minun maailmassani lapset eivat tue vanhempiaan, heidan pitaa uskaltaa olla vapaita ja turvassa! Minulla oli unelma, olla vapaa siita ahdistavasta vastuusta etta aitini mielenterveys on riippuvainen siita miten "kiltti" tytto mina olen.
Kun kuulin taman laulun ensimmaista kertaa, oli kuin joku olisi avannut kaikki ovet ja ikkunat, tama oli minulle enemman kapinaa kuin kukaan olisi voinut arvatakaan. Unelmani on toteutunut tavallaan silla nykyaan, hyvin monien velvollisuudentaytteisten vuosien jalkeen en suostu enaa "kiltin tyton" rooliin. Ei niin etta olisin mitenkaan kauhean kapinallinen mutta minua ei enaa pysy kiristamaan hyvaksynnan antamisella tai poisottamisella. Unelmani olla itsenainen on vihdoinkin totta!
I got my five words from Elegia and because I am a desperately slow blogger I decided to deal with them one at a time and in a mixed order :-). Here are my words and today's word is Dream.
1. Home
2. Culture
3. Journey/Travel
4. Fortune/Happiness/Luck
5. Dream
(so sorry nos 3 an 4 are not one word as the word in finnish means all these in english, I will take the liberty of deciding which one I use when its time is up)
I was a "good girl" when I was young, I did well at school and never ever rebelled against anyone or anything. I did not have terrible two's neither did the doors bang or swear words echo when I was a teenager. All this might sound a bit self-satisfied and smug if you did not know the background to it. I never had space to be difficult, that was reserved for "Mommy Dearest". If anyone ever had it bad, she would be it. Hence, behave or be responsible for mummy's nervous breakdown. The very person that was supposed to be the safe haven made me the guardian of hers. I am still very angry even after all these years - in my world children are not meant to prop up their parents, they need to be allowed to feel safe and free. So, I had a dream, I dreamt of freedom from the anxious responsibility of being a "good girl" to keep my mother's sanity propped up.
When I first hear this song I felt like someone had opened all doors and windows, this was more rebellion for me than anyone could even start to guess. My dream has come through in a way that now, after very very many years filled with anxious responsibility I will not accept the role of a "good girl". Not that I would be a rebellion but I cannot be blackmailed with acceptance of other people, either giving it or withdrawing it. My dream of being independent has finally come true.
Tassa ovat sanani ja taman paivan sana on Unelma
1. Koti
2. Kulttuuri
3. Matka
4. Onni
5. Unelma
Olin nuorena erittain kiltti tytto, parjasin hyvin koulussa enka koskaan kapinoinut ketaan tahi mitaan vastaan. Minulla ei ollut uhmaikaa eika murrosikaisena ovet paukkuneet tai kirosanat raikuneet. Tama saattaisi kuulostaa omahyvaiselta jos ei saisi tietaa asioiden oikeaa laitaa, minulla ei naet ollut tilaa olla hankala, se oli varattu aitikullalle. Jos jollakulla on ikina ollut asia huonosti niin varmasti hanella. Eli, kayttaydy kunnolla ettei hermo romahda silla henkilolla johon sinun pitais kyeta turvautumaan. Olen vielakin vihainen - minun maailmassani lapset eivat tue vanhempiaan, heidan pitaa uskaltaa olla vapaita ja turvassa! Minulla oli unelma, olla vapaa siita ahdistavasta vastuusta etta aitini mielenterveys on riippuvainen siita miten "kiltti" tytto mina olen.
Kun kuulin taman laulun ensimmaista kertaa, oli kuin joku olisi avannut kaikki ovet ja ikkunat, tama oli minulle enemman kapinaa kuin kukaan olisi voinut arvatakaan. Unelmani on toteutunut tavallaan silla nykyaan, hyvin monien velvollisuudentaytteisten vuosien jalkeen en suostu enaa "kiltin tyton" rooliin. Ei niin etta olisin mitenkaan kauhean kapinallinen mutta minua ei enaa pysy kiristamaan hyvaksynnan antamisella tai poisottamisella. Unelmani olla itsenainen on vihdoinkin totta!
I got my five words from Elegia and because I am a desperately slow blogger I decided to deal with them one at a time and in a mixed order :-). Here are my words and today's word is Dream.
1. Home
2. Culture
3. Journey/Travel
4. Fortune/Happiness/Luck
5. Dream
(so sorry nos 3 an 4 are not one word as the word in finnish means all these in english, I will take the liberty of deciding which one I use when its time is up)
I was a "good girl" when I was young, I did well at school and never ever rebelled against anyone or anything. I did not have terrible two's neither did the doors bang or swear words echo when I was a teenager. All this might sound a bit self-satisfied and smug if you did not know the background to it. I never had space to be difficult, that was reserved for "Mommy Dearest". If anyone ever had it bad, she would be it. Hence, behave or be responsible for mummy's nervous breakdown. The very person that was supposed to be the safe haven made me the guardian of hers. I am still very angry even after all these years - in my world children are not meant to prop up their parents, they need to be allowed to feel safe and free. So, I had a dream, I dreamt of freedom from the anxious responsibility of being a "good girl" to keep my mother's sanity propped up.
When I first hear this song I felt like someone had opened all doors and windows, this was more rebellion for me than anyone could even start to guess. My dream has come through in a way that now, after very very many years filled with anxious responsibility I will not accept the role of a "good girl". Not that I would be a rebellion but I cannot be blackmailed with acceptance of other people, either giving it or withdrawing it. My dream of being independent has finally come true.
Lyrics here
(lyriikka loytyy TAALTA)
Good Girl,
Kiltti tytto,
Sielun Veljet,
Thursday, 8 September 2011
Unikuvia - Dreams
Toissa yona - tai aamuyosta oikeastaan - herasin uneen joka erittain vaikea hyvaksya. Rakas vainaja parin vuoden takaa ilmestyi uneeni ja kaikki oli hyvin todentuntuista. Tiedatteko kun joskushan unessa tietaa nakevansa unta... tama uni oli toden tuntuinen, pelottavasti - vaikka en pelannytkaan. Herasin ja tunnustelin milta minusta tuntuu, ainekset unessa olivat ahdistukseen, suruun, jopa pelkoon. Ihan pienen hetken luulin etta oli tapahtunut kaamea virhe ja vaara ihminen oli krematoitu *huh*. Luulen etta olen alkanut nahda unia nyt kun olen vieroittanut itseni mielialalaakityksestani. Kun olin laakityksen alaisena kaikki oli kuin puuroa, mikaan ei oikein tuntunut miltaan. Nyt pitaa heti huomauttaa etta minun tarpeeni laakitykselle oli ulkoisten olosuhteiden sanelemaa enka todellakaan sano etteiko laakkeet olleet suurena apuna asioiden kasittelyssa ja ylitsepaasyssa. Taisi vain olla aika lopetukselle. En ole itse koskaan ollut masentunut (sanan aidossa merkityksessa) ainoastaan masentuneen laheinen. Joka tapauksessa - minunhan piti kertoa unestani. Ikavoin kyseista henkiloa syvasti mutta tiedan etta han on nyt rauhassa vuosikymmenia kalvaneista ahdistuksista ja oikein saikahdin vahan aikaa etta eikai sentaan, .... en oikein tosissaan edes tieda mita ajattelin. Ehka jotain sellaista todella itsekasta kuten EN JAKSA OTTAA SITA KAIKKEA UUSIKSI, EN EN EN!!! Sitten tuli syva suru ja syyllisyyden tunne kun en osannut kauniimmin ajatella.
The other night I woke up from a dream I struggled to accept. A dear departed from couple of years ago appeared in my dream and it all felt really REAL, you know how sometimes you know that you are dreaming, this one was really, scarily real... although I was not scared at all. I woke up and tried to think how I was feeling, the dream certainly had all ingredients for anxiety, sadness and even fear. For one horrid moment I thought that there had been a mistake and a totally wrong person got cremated. *Phew* I believe that I have started dreaming again after I weaned myself off antidepressants. When I was under medication everything was like thick porridge, nothing did REALLY feel anything. Now I would like to add that my need for antidepressants was external, because of things happening beyond my control and I do not for one moment dispute the value of the meds to help me over a sticky patch. It was time to stop now. But - I hasten to add, I have never known depression personally (in the real meaning of the word), I have been the one who is there for a depressed loved one. Anyway, I was going to tell about my dream. I loved this person very deeply and miss him terribly but I also know that he is finally at peace, rid of all anxious thoughts. And for a tiny moment I got so scared of it all not happened after all... I am not even quite sure what I thought at that particular moment, maybe just that NO, I AM NOT STRONG ENOUGH, I CANNOT DO IT AGAIN, I WILL NOT, NO NO NO!!! How very selfish of me. Then followed the deep sadness and feeling of shame for not being able to think any nobler thoughts.
The other night I woke up from a dream I struggled to accept. A dear departed from couple of years ago appeared in my dream and it all felt really REAL, you know how sometimes you know that you are dreaming, this one was really, scarily real... although I was not scared at all. I woke up and tried to think how I was feeling, the dream certainly had all ingredients for anxiety, sadness and even fear. For one horrid moment I thought that there had been a mistake and a totally wrong person got cremated. *Phew* I believe that I have started dreaming again after I weaned myself off antidepressants. When I was under medication everything was like thick porridge, nothing did REALLY feel anything. Now I would like to add that my need for antidepressants was external, because of things happening beyond my control and I do not for one moment dispute the value of the meds to help me over a sticky patch. It was time to stop now. But - I hasten to add, I have never known depression personally (in the real meaning of the word), I have been the one who is there for a depressed loved one. Anyway, I was going to tell about my dream. I loved this person very deeply and miss him terribly but I also know that he is finally at peace, rid of all anxious thoughts. And for a tiny moment I got so scared of it all not happened after all... I am not even quite sure what I thought at that particular moment, maybe just that NO, I AM NOT STRONG ENOUGH, I CANNOT DO IT AGAIN, I WILL NOT, NO NO NO!!! How very selfish of me. Then followed the deep sadness and feeling of shame for not being able to think any nobler thoughts.
masentuneen laheispiiri,
Friday, 24 June 2011
Hyvaa Juhannusta - Midsummer/solstice
Alkaa tama bloggaus olla sillai vaan "jouluna ja juhannuksena" hih, niin paljon on kerinnyt tapahtua ettei ole kerinnyt/jaksanut kirjoitella. Lapsia on muuttanut kotoa/takaisin kotiin ja keskikoulun paattokokeita on kanssa pakerrettu kovasti. Suomessa olen lennahtanyt kahdesti vapun ja juhannuksen valissa seka duunissa olis ihan tarpeeks vaikka kahdelle.
Keskimmainen siis paluumuutti Suomeen ja on nyt asettunut opettelemaan kielta, myos opettelussa ovat seuraavat:
Lapsi 19v: "siis hei mulla ei ole yhtaan ruokaa jaakaapissa"
Aiti: " siis oletko kaynyt kaupassa"
Lapsi: " no en viela, taa on ihan tosi raskasta taa kaikesta ite huolehtiminen"
Aiti (mutisee itsekseen): "taitaa sita aidin touhut saada jonain paivana arvostusta" (aaneen): no, nyt sitten uskot etta ei ne kotonakaan ruokakeijut tayttaneet sita jaakaappia, kylla sita ruokaa saa sinne ihan urakalla raahata"
Kotiinpalannut esikoinen (23) taasen osaltaan:
" Hammastahna on loppu"
Aiti: "ole hyva ja osta kaupasta!
Esikoinen: (syva hiljaisuus, paheksunnan voisi melkein kasin koskettaa)
Kuopus (16): "Yesss, ei enaa ikina koulua"
Aiti: "mites toi lukio syyskuussa?"
Kuopus: "joo joo, mutta sinne on aikaa!"
Edit 6 August 2011 for the benefit of those who like to understand what they read :-)
This blogging has reduced to something like "at Christmas and Midsummer -times" lol so much has happened that I have neither had time nor strength to write. Children have been moving out of home/back home and the GCSEs have caused one to work hard. I have popped in Finland twice within a few weeks and at work I could easily be doubled, busy times.
So, middlest one returned back to Finland (reverse immigrated?) and has now settled there and is learning the language. Also he is practising the following skills:
Child 19 yrs:"Well, I have not a morsel of food in my fridge!"
Mother: "So, have you been to the shop?"
Child: "Not yet, this is too hard this looking after myself!"
Mother (under her breath): it just might be that mum will be appreciated one day", (out loud): "well now you believe that the fridge was not filled by the food fairies at home either, it was hard work to keep it stocked up"
First born 23 yrs: " We've run out of toothpaste."
Mother: "buy some from the shop please"
First born: (deep silence, disapproval so tangible)
Youngest 16 yrs: "yesssss, school's out forever....!"
Mother: "What about A-levels in September?"
Youngest: "yes yes yes, that is ages away!"
Keskimmainen siis paluumuutti Suomeen ja on nyt asettunut opettelemaan kielta, myos opettelussa ovat seuraavat:
Lapsi 19v: "siis hei mulla ei ole yhtaan ruokaa jaakaapissa"
Aiti: " siis oletko kaynyt kaupassa"
Lapsi: " no en viela, taa on ihan tosi raskasta taa kaikesta ite huolehtiminen"
Aiti (mutisee itsekseen): "taitaa sita aidin touhut saada jonain paivana arvostusta" (aaneen): no, nyt sitten uskot etta ei ne kotonakaan ruokakeijut tayttaneet sita jaakaappia, kylla sita ruokaa saa sinne ihan urakalla raahata"
Kotiinpalannut esikoinen (23) taasen osaltaan:
" Hammastahna on loppu"
Aiti: "ole hyva ja osta kaupasta!
Esikoinen: (syva hiljaisuus, paheksunnan voisi melkein kasin koskettaa)
Kuopus (16): "Yesss, ei enaa ikina koulua"
Aiti: "mites toi lukio syyskuussa?"
Kuopus: "joo joo, mutta sinne on aikaa!"
Edit 6 August 2011 for the benefit of those who like to understand what they read :-)
This blogging has reduced to something like "at Christmas and Midsummer -times" lol so much has happened that I have neither had time nor strength to write. Children have been moving out of home/back home and the GCSEs have caused one to work hard. I have popped in Finland twice within a few weeks and at work I could easily be doubled, busy times.
So, middlest one returned back to Finland (reverse immigrated?) and has now settled there and is learning the language. Also he is practising the following skills:
Child 19 yrs:"Well, I have not a morsel of food in my fridge!"
Mother: "So, have you been to the shop?"
Child: "Not yet, this is too hard this looking after myself!"
Mother (under her breath): it just might be that mum will be appreciated one day", (out loud): "well now you believe that the fridge was not filled by the food fairies at home either, it was hard work to keep it stocked up"
First born 23 yrs: " We've run out of toothpaste."
Mother: "buy some from the shop please"
First born: (deep silence, disapproval so tangible)
Youngest 16 yrs: "yesssss, school's out forever....!"
Mother: "What about A-levels in September?"
Youngest: "yes yes yes, that is ages away!"
Saturday, 30 April 2011
Hyvaa Vappua!
Hyvaa Vappua kaikille, taalla Enkunmaalla eivat siita Vapun juhlimisesta mitaan ymmarra, pitaa vaan muistella Wanhoja Wappuja :-). Paljon on tapahtunut taas tassa venahtaneitten paivitysten valilla, niista myohemmin lisaa. Suurin uutinen on etta lentelen kohtapuoliin Suomeen ja vietan oikein juhlien tayttaman viikon!! Ihan kiva vaihteeksi jotain keveampaakin aikaa vietella. Olo on paljon positiivisempi kuin pitkaan aikaan, toivottavasti asiat sailyy talla mallilla edes vahan aikaa, hengahdystauko kun on tosissaankin paikallaan.
Wednesday, 30 March 2011
Mietintamyssy - Thinking cap
Nythan tulikin pitka tauko bloggailussa, lukenut olen joka paiva kaikkien muiden blogeja mutta jostain syysta ei ole tullut omaa paivitettya. Kohta on huhtikuu (mun synttarikuu elika tykkaan kovasti) ja mulla on ihan selvasti ollut sellanen nakymaton mietintamyssy paassa jo pidemman aikaa. Aikaisemmassa blogissa jo viittasin sellaiseen tienhaarassa olon tunteeseen ja se tunne vain vahvistuu koko ajan. En tieda onko tassa jotain keski-ian kriisia pukkaamassa mutta sellainen on olo etta jostain kohtaa tulee muuttua elama sellaiseksi etta siita minakin kykenen tykkaamaan! Pohtinut olen niin alanvaihtoa kuin maastamuuttoakin, molemmat voimia vaativia, kiemuraisia ja jopa saattaisivat olla peruuttamattomia. Sisallani karsimaton mina polkee jalkaa ja huutaa etta "mina en ala tata enaa, en tykkaa, jossain muualla on parempi, jotain muuta tekemassa". Ja kun yritan ihan natisti kysella talta sisaiselta aanelta etta mihin ja mita tekemaan niin .... Mitas tassa tulis tehda? (retorinen kysymys, ei mulle ole viela tahan astisessa elamassa kukaan kyennyt neuvomaan, kuuntelen kylla kohteliaasti mutta sitten teen just niinkuin itse parhaaksi naen.)
Laitan tahan kuvan jonka sain tyokaverilta. Joka kerta kun tata katson, tulen niin mahdottoman hyvalle tuulelle!
Tollanen olo mullakin on valilla.
Laitan tahan kuvan jonka sain tyokaverilta. Joka kerta kun tata katson, tulen niin mahdottoman hyvalle tuulelle!
Tollanen olo mullakin on valilla.
Thursday, 3 March 2011
Synttarit - Birthday
Vuosi on mennyt pelottavaa vauhtia ja taas on kasissa keskimmaisen synttarit. Naista lasten vuosipaivista on se haitta, etta on erittain vaikea olla hyvaksymatta omaa vanhenemistaan jos lapset alkavat olla samassa iassa kuin mita itsesta tuntuu!
A year has gone by at a scary speed and it is again the middle one's birthday. These birthdays are detrimental to my ignorance of my own ages as one cannot really have one's children to be older in years than what one sees oneself at!
A year has gone by at a scary speed and it is again the middle one's birthday. These birthdays are detrimental to my ignorance of my own ages as one cannot really have one's children to be older in years than what one sees oneself at!
another year,
Friday, 25 February 2011
Surukuun loppu haamottaa - End is looming for the sad month
Ihanaa, tanaan on perjantai, palkkapaiva ja helmikuu loppuu tahan viikonloppuun. Voiko enempaa valoa odottaa tunnelin paahan? Helmikuu on asettunut elamaani tosi vaikeana muistelun kuukautena ja mina kun en muisteluista kovin perusta. Muistelen siis rakkaita ja menneita mutta helmikuussa niita vuosipaivia on nyt tosissaan liikaa.
Great, today is Friday, payday and end of February is at hand. Can one wish for more light at the end of the tunnel? February has now settled in my life as a very hard month of remembrance and I am not too keen on that. I mean, I do remember loved ones lost and "olden times" but February has now become too "loaded" for comfort.
Great, today is Friday, payday and end of February is at hand. Can one wish for more light at the end of the tunnel? February has now settled in my life as a very hard month of remembrance and I am not too keen on that. I mean, I do remember loved ones lost and "olden times" but February has now become too "loaded" for comfort.
Wednesday, 16 February 2011
Kaksi vuotta sitten - two years today
Tanaan on tasan kaksi vuotta tarkean ihmisen poismenosta.Lapseni menettivat isansa. Nama vuodet ovat menneet vauhdilla ja, johtuen erittain raskaista vuosista ja tapahtumista jotka johtivat kuolemaan, olen seka tehnyt surutyota etta yrittanyt toipua ja palata normaaliin elamaan. "Hiljaa hyva tulee" on sanonta jonka olen vasta nyt ymmartanyt.
Lepaa rauhassa!
Today is two years since I lost a very important person and my children lost their father. These years have gone by so fast. Due to very distressing time before his death and also what caused his death I am slowly recovering from what I can only describe as post-traumatic stress disorder. Only now that I am grieving and also trying to return to so-called normal life, I have grown to appreciate and understand the real meaning of the saying "Easy does it".
Lepaa rauhassa!
Today is two years since I lost a very important person and my children lost their father. These years have gone by so fast. Due to very distressing time before his death and also what caused his death I am slowly recovering from what I can only describe as post-traumatic stress disorder. Only now that I am grieving and also trying to return to so-called normal life, I have grown to appreciate and understand the real meaning of the saying "Easy does it".
easy does it,
hiljaa hyva tulee,
life goes on,
Monday, 14 February 2011
Taas on maanantai - Monday again
Pikapaivitysta keittiohelveremontista. Kissat on kaikki tallella, joka huoneessa on uudet patterit ja uusi boileri on asennettu. Keittion kaapit ovat paikallaan vaikkakaan lattia tai seinat eivat ole laitettu kuntoon viela. Mutta hei, kukas mina olen ammattimiesten touhua arvostelemaan, itse vain olisin ensin tasoittanut seinat (taynna reikia ja silleen) ja lattian (pinta puuttuu kokonaan). Mutta, mutisenpa vaan taalla blogissani, ei auta keskeneraista tyota arvostella. Ja oli tosi kiva keittiokalusteiden asentaja kun piti huolen etta kytki pesukoneen viikonlopuksi ettei tarvinnut automaattipesulaan menna vaatteita pesemaan. Talla viikolla on ohjelmassa lisaa putkihommia, lattiat ja seinat, kaakelointi, maalaus, maalaus ja myos keittiokalusteiden ja "karytuulettimen" asennus. Ihana tulee olemaan valmiina, nyt pitaa vaan kestaa ainakin tama viikko etta laastipolyt ja sensellaiset eivat enaa leijaile ilmassa. Uutta on kiva odotella!
Quick update from kitchenhell refit. All cats are counted for, every room has new radiator and new boiler has been installed. All kitchen cupboards are in place although walls and floor is still unfinished. But who am I to judge the work of professionals, personally I would have found it easier to treat the walls and floor when the room was empty. But, best just talk about it here, it is not good to judge unfinished work. And I must admit that the carpenter who fitted the kitchen was very kind and made sure that my washing machine was plumbed in for the weekend so I did not have to make a trip to the laundrette. This week I am expecting more plumbing, walls and floor to be done, tiling, painting and painting and also finishing of the kitchen cupboard fitting as well as new extractor fan. It will be lovely when it is all done, one must just bear the mess, hopefully by the end of this week all the plasterdust etc has gone. It is nice to wait for something new!
Quick update from kitchen
new week,
uusia tuulia
Monday, 7 February 2011
Vanha ulos, tilaa uudelle! / Out with the old, in with the new!
Olen taydellisen kaaoksen keskella. Huomenaamuna kello 8 tulee tupa tayteen remonttimiehia ja keittio tulee olla ihan tyhja kaikesta - KAIKESTA! Tajuaakohan nama ihmiset miten paljon voi perheellisen keittioon kertya kamaa??? Tyon on arveltu kestavan 14 tyopaivaa, minun kirjoissani se tarkoittaa ihan nippaa vaille 3 viikkoa. Eli, minulla ei ole hellaa/uunia, pyykinpesukonetta (takalaisittain se asustelee keittiossa) eika astianpesukonetta. Miniatyyriolkkarissani taas sitten asustelee seuraavat: mikro, riisinkeitin, leivanpaahdin, vedenkeitin, kahvinkeitin, jaakaappi/pakastin, astian- ja pyykinpesukoneet, kaikki kuivamuonat, purkit, astiat ja silleen. Nelja kissaa hermoraunioina ja kaksi teinipoikaa kuolemassa nalkaan "just nyt" ja mun pitaa viela tuottaa aterioita tasta kevyesta kenttakeittiosta. Tata mina tarvitsin tahan hataan kuin kuulaa kalloon.
I am in a state of chaos. Tomorrow at 8 am sharp I will have an invasion of builders ready to rip out my kitchen and change my radiatiors and my heater. The kitchen has to be emptied of everything - EVERYTHING??? Do these people appreciate or understand the amount of tut a family can load in the kitchen. The work is estimated to take 14 working days, in my books that is just nigh on 3 weeks when I will NOT have working cooker, dishwasher or washing maschine. Instead, I will have in my miniature lounge come diner the following: microwave, rice cooker, toaster, kettle, coffee maker, fridge/freezer, dishwasher, washing machine, all my cupboard dry food, tins, cans, crockery and cutlery. I also will need to produce meals from this camp kithen for 2 teenage boys who are "dying of hunger" and try to accommodate 4 "scaredy" cats who will be having a nervous breakdown. I needed this now like a hole in my head.
I am in a state of chaos. Tomorrow at 8 am sharp I will have an invasion of builders ready to rip out my kitchen and change my radiatiors and my heater. The kitchen has to be emptied of everything - EVERYTHING??? Do these people appreciate or understand the amount of tut a family can load in the kitchen. The work is estimated to take 14 working days, in my books that is just nigh on 3 weeks when I will NOT have working cooker, dishwasher or washing maschine. Instead, I will have in my miniature lounge come diner the following: microwave, rice cooker, toaster, kettle, coffee maker, fridge/freezer, dishwasher, washing machine, all my cupboard dry food, tins, cans, crockery and cutlery. I also will need to produce meals from this camp kithen for 2 teenage boys who are "dying of hunger" and try to accommodate 4 "scaredy" cats who will be having a nervous breakdown. I needed this now like a hole in my head.
Thursday, 3 February 2011
Tienhaarassa - Crossroads
Paassa pyorii, ei tieda, haluaisi tietaa. Mihin suuntaan tulisi kulkea, paikalleen jaaminen kun ei ole varteenotettava vaihtoehto. Valintoja ja paatoksia tulisi tehda mutta kaikenlaiset rajoitukset (rahalliset ja ei-rahalliset) sekoittavat. Voihan vitsi.
Head spinning, don't know, would like to know. Where to turn, which road to take. Staying put is not an option. Choices and decisions to be made but all sorts of obstacles and restrictions in the way (financial and non-financial). Oh dear.
Head spinning, don't know, would like to know. Where to turn, which road to take. Staying put is not an option. Choices and decisions to be made but all sorts of obstacles and restrictions in the way (financial and non-financial). Oh dear.
career change,
new beginnings,
Wednesday, 26 January 2011
Palkkapaiva, hyva paiva - payday, good day!
Tama yksinhuoltajan elama on aina valilla raskasta kun pitaa pennia venyttaa ja vanuttaa mutta sitten taas pienet luksustelut tuntuvat tosi mukavalta. Esimerkiksi viimeisten paivien makaroni- ja papu/tonnikalapoperot kestaa paremmin kun voi valilla syoda ulkona. Tanaan menin nuorimman kanssa tanne toiden jalkeen syomaan ihanaa ruokaa! Poika oli iloinen, veljensa sen sijaan valitsi kebabin, jonka ostimme kotimatkalla hanelle. Hassua miten sita voikin tulla iloiseksi pienista asioista!
Life as a single mum can be a bit hard at times especially a few days before payday when penny-pinching is the flavor of the week. On the other hand when payday treat is like this it is nice to see my youngest to enjoy it fully. His brother chose a takeway kebab for his treat so he got that delivered when we returned home. So funny how little things can feel so luxurious!
Life as a single mum can be a bit hard at times especially a few days before payday when penny-pinching is the flavor of the week. On the other hand when payday treat is like this it is nice to see my youngest to enjoy it fully. His brother chose a takeway kebab for his treat so he got that delivered when we returned home. So funny how little things can feel so luxurious!
luxurious little things,
pienet asiat,
Sunday, 16 January 2011
Jannittynytta odotusta ilmassa - feeling of suspense
Tammikuu on puolivalissa ja taman vuoden tapahtumat alkavat toivottavasti hahmottua pikaisesti. Minulla on ollut jo muutaman viikon erittain vahva tunne jostain isosta muutoksesta elamassani, en ole lainkaan varma mita se tuo tullessaan mutta ainakin ammatinvaihdoksesta haaveilen. Haaveilen siksi, etta tarvitsisin tutkinnon haluamaani ammattiin, sita varten tulisi opiskella taysipaivaisesti kolme vuotta ja samalla silti pitaisi kouluttaa, vaatettaa ja ruokkia nuorisoa. Yksinhuoltaja-aidin iloja!! Mutta - mikaan ei ole taysin mahdotonta ja olenkin alkanut jo pari vuotta sitten tehda vapaaehtoistyota lahempana haluamaani alaa etta jos onnistun sen tutkinnon hankkimaan niin kokemusta ei sitten tarvitse alkaa alusta pitaen hakemaan. No, kattoos nyt mita tasta tulee!!!
It is mid January already and I am hoping that the happenings of the coming year (this year in fact) will start to show themselves soon. For a few weeks now I have had a strong feeling of a big change that is about to unearth, no idea what it is all about but I do dream of a career change myself. "Dream of" mainly because to enter my chosen career I need a degree and that would take 3 years full time studying to achive. That is not a problem - but to try to do that and simultaneously bring up and support children with their education and pop food in their little beaks as well as making sure they do not run barefeet out there - that needs a little bit of creative planning from a single mum. Hence I have started volunteering in the areas closer to my chosen career so that if and when I get my degree, I will have some experience as well. Well, we'll see what comes out of this all!
It is mid January already and I am hoping that the happenings of the coming year (this year in fact) will start to show themselves soon. For a few weeks now I have had a strong feeling of a big change that is about to unearth, no idea what it is all about but I do dream of a career change myself. "Dream of" mainly because to enter my chosen career I need a degree and that would take 3 years full time studying to achive. That is not a problem - but to try to do that and simultaneously bring up and support children with their education and pop food in their little beaks as well as making sure they do not run barefeet out there - that needs a little bit of creative planning from a single mum. Hence I have started volunteering in the areas closer to my chosen career so that if and when I get my degree, I will have some experience as well. Well, we'll see what comes out of this all!
Sunday, 9 January 2011
Sunnuntain sininen hetki - Sunday blues
Sunnuntai-ilta on tavallisesti erittain ahdistavaa aikaa, koko tuleva viikko yrittaa vieria hartioille painamaan ja painostamaan. Tana viikonloppuna annoin itselleni luvan olla tekematta mitaan ja, lukuunottamatta pakollisia ruokinta- ja puhdistuskuvioita, olen nukkunut uskomattoman paljon. taysien younien lisaksi 3-4 tunnin paivaunia!!! Nyt istun sohvalla telkkua tuijottamassa ja nautiskelen hyvasta ohjelmasta, kissojen lasnaolosta (ovat kaikki vieressani tai jaloissani!). Ei ahdistusta tai suorituspaineita, pelkkaa rentoa oleskelua. Taytyypa yrittaa toisenkin kerran!
Normally Sunday night is full of anxiety, the week ahead is trying to step on my shoulders to weigh me down and pressurise me. This weekend I gave myself permission to do absolutely nothing and, apart from the compulsory feed and muck sessions, I have slept unbelievably much, on top of proper nights' sleep some 3-4 hour naps both days. Now I am sat on my sofa watching telly and enjoying a good program and the presence of my cats (they are all next to me or at my feet). No anxiety or pressure present, just relaxed "existence". Must try this again another time!
Normally Sunday night is full of anxiety, the week ahead is trying to step on my shoulders to weigh me down and pressurise me. This weekend I gave myself permission to do absolutely nothing and, apart from the compulsory feed and muck sessions, I have slept unbelievably much, on top of proper nights' sleep some 3-4 hour naps both days. Now I am sat on my sofa watching telly and enjoying a good program and the presence of my cats (they are all next to me or at my feet). No anxiety or pressure present, just relaxed "existence". Must try this again another time!
Monday, 3 January 2011
Tama vuosi on ERILAINEN - This year WILL be different!
Hei ja hyvaa uutta vuotta! Minulla on suuria odotuksia talle vuodelle, toivon (ja aion myos tehda toita sen eteen) etta asiat muuttuvat parempaan suuntaan. Suunnitelmia on monia, talouden saattaminen vakaalle pohjalle ja ammatinvaihto ovat ensisijalla. Parempi sosiaalinen elama, ystavien tapaaminen ja MINA ovat kanssa tarkeita. Minulla on noin 15 kuukautta aikaa ennenkuin taytan 50 vuotta ja jos elaa saan niin silloin on asioitten oltava hyvin (minun mittapuullani). Tarkoitukseni on tutkistella tassa blogissa mita "hyvin" tarkoittaa minulle ja minun elamassani.
Hi and Happy New Year! I have great expectations for this year, I wish (and am prepared to work for it) that things will take a turn for better. I have plans in abundance: balanced finances and change of profession are the topmost ones, better social life, meeting friends and ME, MYSELF AND I, are important as well. I have some 15 months before my 50th birthday and if I am live and kicking then, things have to be GOOD. My intention is to explore in my blog what this GOOD means for me and my lifestyle.
Hi and Happy New Year! I have great expectations for this year, I wish (and am prepared to work for it) that things will take a turn for better. I have plans in abundance: balanced finances and change of profession are the topmost ones, better social life, meeting friends and ME, MYSELF AND I, are important as well. I have some 15 months before my 50th birthday and if I am live and kicking then, things have to be GOOD. My intention is to explore in my blog what this GOOD means for me and my lifestyle.
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